Latest Project: Welcome to Praxis Third Avenue Shelter

We at Praxis Housing are proud to announce our latest DHS housing facility entitled “Praxis Third Ave Shelter.” The program temporarily houses 58 adult families with priority offered to those who have roots in CB 6 and surrounding communities in Brooklyn. On-site services include: case management, nutritious meals served three times a day, housing placement… Read more »
Learn MoreOur Philosophy & Success
Our clients have diverse needs, and our staff is a family – made up of many men and women, some having experienced homelessness themselves. From the moment a client embarks on their journey home, Praxis staff members are with them, every step of the way.
Programs & Services
The approach we take to best meet the needs of our target population has three phases:

Meeting Basic Needs
Praxis is one of HIV/AIDS Services Administrations largest providers of Transitional Housing, with 345 units and counting.

Ongoing Support
Praxis operates 102 units of scatter apartments located in Brooklyn and Bronx. Clients are referred to Praxis from HIV/AIDS Services Administration (HASA).

Intensive Intervention
A multi-tier approach is used to identify the barriers that contributed to chronic homelessness, conducted by our multi-disciplinary team.
Housing Portfolio
Praxis Housing Initiatives Inc., has been providing housing and case management to chronically homeless persons living with HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C, physical disabilities, addiction, mental illness, domestic violence histories and re-entry population (formerly incarcerated). Praxis has been able to reduce recidivism back to homelessness, addiction, incarceration, through our low threshold approach to case management. Our approach is not complicated, but quite simple, we believe that our clients need to take part in planning for their future. We ask for their input, when identifying their barriers, challenges and goals.
Transitional Housing
Scatter Site
Permanent Housing
Our Mission
The mission of Praxis Housing Initiatives is to bring about sustainable transformation in the lives of chronically homeless persons with HIV/AIDS, mental health issues, chemical dependency, and other special needs. We do this by providing clean, safe housing, and support services that lead to recovery, stability, and ultimately, independence.

Praxis BFP and East Coast Scooters Thanksgiving food drive 2021
On Saturday 20th November 2021, Praxis BFP collaborated with East Coast Scooters to do a Thanksgiving food drive for the families at the shelter. This is the first annual food drive for ECS and it was in the heart of the leaders and members to give back to their fellow New Yorkers this Thanksgiving. East… Read more »

Welcome to Praxis Third Avenue Shelter
We at Praxis Housing are proud to announce our latest DHS housing facility entitled “Praxis Third Ave Shelter.” The program temporarily houses 58 adult families with priority offered to those who have roots in CB 6 and surrounding communities in Brooklyn. On-site services include: case management, nutritious meals served three times a day, housing placement… Read more »

Halloween Party 2019 @ Broadway Family Plaza
On Wednesday, 30th October 2019, Praxis Broadway Family Plaza (BFP) hosts the annual Halloween party. It takes place at the BFP location, and everyone from staff to families dresses in their favorite costume. We have this party so the children and families can engage with one another and form friendships. The Praxis staff also do… Read more »
Success Story

It’s amazing, I did everything, been everywhere, you’d think I’d be one of the last people that would be homeless.
When I got out of prison I’d never had a job in my life. I was always a taker of money, I wasn’t a maker of money. Which was sad. I initiated a correspondence with the Fortune Society, and my whole focus was to get a job. I don’t care what I do, I’ll get a job doing anything, I’ll sweep the streets. Fortune gave me an internship as a counselor. I learned the paperwork really well, developed a relationship with the people, they offered me a job. I met my wife, Sophia, at Fortune.
She told me she had a bad heart but I didn’t… She had a heart attack. That morning I woke up and said, “What’s the matter? You want to go to the hospital?” She said, “I think I better.” She passed right there in the emergency room. She was my buddy, she was my friend. I went into a state of despondency and despair, that was, oh man. I started using drugs again and just kept using. I was living on the pity pot and I refused to get off.
I came here to Praxis in 2014. The building was new and I was the last person to get an apartment. July 28th, the day I moved in. It was a great day.
The future’s great. I’m extremely confident. I have a tremendous proficiency in state regulations for non-profit organizations, when I want to work it allows me freedom. But in my life, I’m still empty because I haven’t even begun to see anyone past her; I don’t think there is anyone. But anything can happen….