Praxis Housing Initiatives Inc., has been providing housing and case management to chronically homeless persons living with HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C, physical disabilities, addiction, mental illness, domestic violence histories and re-entry population (formerly incarcerated). Praxis has been able to reduce recidivism back to homelessness, addiction, incarceration, through our low threshold approach to case management. Our approach is not complicated, but quite simple, we believe that our clients need to take part in planning for their future. We ask for their input, when identifying their barriers, challenges and goals.

PRAXIS Housing Initiatives is proud to feature the following development projects:
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In January 2009 Praxis acquired a development site in the Bronx located at 4339 White Plains Rd. The acquisition was financed by the Corporation for Supportive Housing.
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Praxis operates 102 units of scatter apartments located in Brooklyn and Bronx. Clients are referred to Praxis from HIV/AIDS Services Administration (HASA). Our program targets individuals and families living with HIV/AIDS.
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Praxis is one of HIV/AIDS Services Administrations largest providers of Transitional Housing, with 345 units and counting.
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October 2017, Praxis opened Broadway Family Residence, its first DHS shelter for families with children.
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